Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 75

volume Number : 15
number In Volume : 5
issue Number : 75

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 15، number In Volume 5، ، issue Number 75

Reflection of educational and learning methods in the educational texts of the fifth to seventh centuries and their adaptation to Bandura's theory of learning

Marjan Gholami , Akram Golshani (Author in Charge), Fatemeh Golshani


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Many ancient literary works are full of sublime and valuable topics and concepts that are known as educational literature among literary genres. Even some of these educational resources have concepts that can be adapted to new theories of various sciences such as education and psychology. One of these new theories is the "Bandura learning" theory. In this article, the methods of education and learning and its adaptation to the above theory in the textbooks of the fifth to seventh centuries have been studied.

METHODOLOGY: This article has been done by library-document method of content analysis.

FINDINGS: By studying and examining the works of educational literature, evidence can be obtained that show that many creators of literary educational works have dealt with various methods and methods of education and learning, which in many cases can be consistent with new theories of psychological learning. These rich sources, which may have nurtured many contemporary theories of psychology, remain largely unknown in this regard. Examining these works and adapting them to contemporary learning theories such as Bandura theory is one of the innovative aspects of the present study.

CONCLUSION: Many of Bandura"s views on education can be seen in the textbooks of the fifth to seventh centuries, and each of these speakers in some way in their teaching stories and advice have referred to the elements of education and learning, among which theories. Triple interaction of person, environment and behavior; Observational learning, patterning and reciprocal algebra can be mentioned. Due to the fact that the educational materials, under the influence of previous works, are very similar to the statements and beliefs based on the theory of intertextuality, but the difference in their style and manner of expression has distinguished them.

educational literature , textbooks of the fifth to seventh centuries , observational learning theory , Albert Bandura

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